Nue Epic Asok-Rama 9 launched over the weekend that just passed. This project was hotly anticipated. It is located in the very popular Rama 9 business district. It is walking distance to the Phra Ram 9 MRT station.
Before this launch event, there were pre-launch sales. These sales were only to clients of certain agencies. Even then, sales were strong due to the good location and attractive pricing. Imagine a freehold condominium in the Rama 9 area for about THB 3.xx million.
Here are some pictures of the launch event.
More than 100 units were sold over the weekend! There are still some available launch units available. If you are interested in a unit, do contact the IBP Real Estate Sales Team at +66 66 112 8862 (WhatsApp) or email [email protected].
Here is the Nue Epic Asok-Rama 9 sales site:
Here is a review of Nue Epic Asok-Rama 9:
Yours sincerely,
The editorial team at Invest Bangkok Property